How To Check Building Foundations

Building foundations play an important role in supporting your building. All homeowners should inspect their building foundations on a regular basis to detect foundation issues before they become problematic. Self-inspection on a regular basis can help you save money over time. With that in mind, here are some of our recommendations for inspecting your home and detecting any foundation issues before they worsen.


Walk the interior and exterior of your space

Start your foundation check by walking around the outside and inside of your house. By looking down from one end, you may inspect the foundation walls. We have noted below things you should look out for:

– Bulges or leaning spots on the foundation that could indicate an unbalanced load. 

Any potential water damage or cracks in concrete.

Apply waterproofing paint over the crack and watch to see whether the paint splits or chips as a home test of the severity of the crack. This means that the foundation is shifting and the crack is developing.

Examine the interior flooring as well. Keep an eye out for any buckling or bulging. Another sign of a moving foundation is uneven floors. When there are bigger soil shifts, floors might also slant over the length of the house. A quick test is to place a ball or spherical object on the floor and check if it rolls.

Check windows and doors

Windows and doors also need to be checked as they should all be able to open and close smoothly. This is important as windows and doors will start to show signs before walls, as they will be difficult to open and close. If they are jammed that they cannot be opened it is likely the foundation has moved. 

Inspect the crawl space

If your house has a crawl space it will also need inspecting. You should look for any moisture or mould which rot the wood. This can then lead to a weak support for your home and cause further foundation problems. 

Check pipes

One of the most common causes of foundation problems is excessive or persistent dampness. Along with checking for moisture in the crawl space, it’s also a good idea to look for leaks in the pipes. If you’ve had a leaking pipe for a long time, you might consider having your foundation properly inspected.


Observe Building Foundation

Finally, If you have the chance to evaluate your foundation’s support. The support system, concrete, or pillars should all be in good working order. Make sure they’re all level and none of them are buckling.


We hope that this article has helped with inspecting your building foundations and uncover problems before they became serious. If you would like more information, the experts at Chris Longmore can help! Get in touch with our team on 01384 440057 or fill out a quick form